G D Exports
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Coir is a biodegradable organic fiber material that is coarse, rigid, and strong. The coir in the form of woven mesh mattings or nonwoven stitch-bonded blankets are used in engineering applications in the geotechnical field.
The intense rain increases with the steepness of the slope of the surface. Wind too causes such erosion. Geotextiles are used extensively in erosion control works. The ultimate objective of it is to establish a dense network of root systems and vegetable cover. The high tensile strength of coir fibers protects steep surfaces from heavy flows and debris movement. Geotextiles are permeable textile fabrics used to prevent the soil from migrating while maintaining the water flow.
Product Features
100% biodegradable
Comparatively Economical.
The open weave allows re-seeding, when necessary.
The open weave allows planting through the mat without cutting the mat.
Easy to install and to walk on the mat.
Wildlife will not feed on the mats.
Coir twine moves independently, creating no threat to wildlife movement.
Support establishing vegetation better than synthetic mats.
Hold moisture for seed germination and seedling growth.
Standard size
2 x 25 M
2 x 50 M